Brass: In dreams, brass often symbolizes value, durability, and resilience, reflecting aspects of strength and permanence. It may represent feelings of pride in one’s achievements or the recognition of one's worth. Dreaming of brass can also indicate a desire for stability or a need to fortify oneself emotionally or mentally.
The appearance of brass in a dream may evoke a sense of nostalgia or connection to history, suggesting a longing for tradition or the past. Conversely, it could hint at superficiality or deception, as brass can be polished to resemble gold, pointing to themes of authenticity versus appearance.
Interactions with brass objects—such as playing a brass instrument or handling brass items—can indicate a call to express oneself more freely, embrace creativity, or harness inner strength. Overall, brass dreams encourage reflection on one's resources, both material and emotional, and the balance between valuing external validation and internal self-worth.