Bruises in dreams often symbolize emotional pain or unresolved trauma. They may represent hidden wounds, either from past experiences or current conflicts that are not fully addressed. The presence of bruises can indicate feelings of vulnerability, sensitivity, or fragility, suggesting that the dreamer may be struggling with emotional or psychological issues.
Seeing bruises on oneself might signal self-awareness of these wounds, urging the dreamer to confront their feelings or experiences. Alternatively, observing bruises on others could reflect empathy or concern for someone else's suffering, highlighting a need to support or care for them.
The color and intensity of the bruises in the dream can provide additional context. Darker hues may indicate deeper emotional scars, while lighter shades might suggest that healing is on the horizon. The act of touching or examining the bruises in the dream could signify a desire to understand or heal from these emotional injuries.
In summary, bruises in dreams serve as a reminder to acknowledge and address emotional pain, signaling a journey towards healing and reconciliation.