Caricaturas generally represent exaggerated features or characteristics of an individual or situation. Dreaming of caricaturas can signify a heightened awareness of how others perceive you or your own self-image. This dream may suggest feelings of self-doubt or insecurity, as one might feel their true self is being overshadowed by these exaggerated portrayals. Alternatively, it can symbolize humor and the need to not take oneself too seriously, encouraging the dreamer to embrace their flaws and imperfections with a lighthearted attitude.
Seeing or interacting with caricaturas in a dream could also indicate that the dreamer is overly focused on superficial traits or judgments, urging a deeper exploration of identity and relationship dynamics. If the caricaturas are drawn as caricatures of people you know, this may reflect your feelings or opinions about those individuals, potentially highlighting aspects of their personalities that you find amusing or frustrating. Overall, these dreams invite reflection on authenticity, perspective, and the many layers of self-representation.