Weddings are powerful symbols in dreams, representing various aspects of commitment, union, and transformation.
Dreaming of a wedding may signify a desire for connection or the merging of different aspects of oneself. It can reflect a longing for stability, partnership, or the celebration of a significant milestone in one's life. This type of dream often encompasses feelings of joy, anticipation, and love but may also evoke anxiety or fear if the dreamer has unresolved feelings about relationships or commitments.
If the dream involves planning or preparing for a wedding, it could indicate a need to organize one's thoughts or life circumstances. It may suggest the importance of bringing different elements of life into harmony.
Conversely, witnessing a wedding without being a participant can signify feelings of exclusion or a desire to be part of something significant. If the wedding is chaotic or unfavorable, it may point to underlying fears of commitment or doubts about a certain relationship.
Overall, weddings in dreams encapsulate themes of unity, change, and emotional exploration within personal relationships.