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Dream Dictionary: EYE


Eyes symbolize perception, insight, and awareness in dreams. They often represent a deeper understanding of self or others. The condition and state of the eyes in the dream may provide additional meaning. Closed Eyes: Closed eyes in dreams indicate a desire to avoid a particular truth or a reluctance to confront a situation. It may signify ignorance, denial, or an unwillingness to see reality as it is. Open Eyes: Dreaming of open eyes represents an awakened state of consciousness and heightened awareness. It suggests that you are receptive to new insights and willing to perceive things with clarity and understanding. Eye Contact: Making eye contact with someone in a dream reflects the need for connection, understanding, or confrontation. It may signify a desire for emotional intimacy, communication, or the need to assert oneself in a particular relationship or situation. Third Eye: The third eye, often associated with intuition and spiritual perception, can appear in dreams to symbolize insight, wisdom, or a psychic awakening. This dream may suggest that you are developing or tapping into your intuition and inner knowing. Hazy or Blurry Eyesight: Dreaming of hazy or blurry eyesight suggests confusion, uncertainty, or a lack of clarity in some aspect of your life. It may indicate that you need to gain a deeper understanding of a situation before making decisions or taking action. Injury or Loss of Sight: Dreams involving eye injuries or loss of sight can represent a fear of losing clarity, insight, or a sense of direction in waking life. It may symbolize a lack of perspective, the need to pay attention to details, or a fear of missing out on opportunities. Multiple Eyes: Seeing multiple eyes in a dream can signify a broad perspective, the ability to see things from different angles, or heightened intuition. This dream may indicate that you possess a unique ability to understand various perspectives or possess deep insight into a situation. Dreams involving eyes are highly subjective, and their interpretation may vary based on individual experiences, culture, and personal symbolism. Consider the context and emotions surrounding the dream to gain a more accurate understanding of its meaning.

Eye Care

Dreaming about eye care can symbolize the need to pay attention to certain aspects of your life or relationships. It may indicate a desire for clarity and insight, highlighting the importance of taking care of yourself and your well-being. This dream could also suggest the need to be more attentive to details or to look at situations from different perspectives. Consider reflecting on any recurring themes or symbols within the dream to gain a deeper understanding of the specific aspects of your life that require attention or nurturing.

Eye Contact

When eye contact appears in your dreams, it signifies a meaningful connection and intense communication between you and someone else. The act of locking eyes with someone in a dream represents a deep desire for acknowledgment, understanding, and emotional connection. This dream symbolizes the need for validation and the importance of being seen and recognized for who you truly are. Eye contact can also indicate a potential romantic attraction or a strong connection with a person in your waking life. Conversely, the absence of eye contact may reflect feelings of avoidance or disconnection from others, suggesting a desire to maintain distance or protect one's true emotions. Overall, dreams involving eye contact highlight the significance of genuine connections and the longing for meaningful interactions in your relationships.

Eye Discomfort

Dreaming of eye discomfort is indicative of inner turmoil and unease in your waking life. It symbolizes that there may be something you are overlooking or refusing to see. This discomfort in your dream suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed by the challenges and responsibilities placed upon you. It is essential to pay attention to your emotional well-being and take care of yourself during this time. Consider taking a step back and gaining perspective on your situation to alleviate any further discomfort or strain on your eyes.


To see an eyeball in your dream represents spiritual insight, intuition, and awareness of your surroundings. The eyeball is a symbolic representation of your ability to perceive and understand the truth within a situation or person. It signifies your clear vision and ability to see beyond the surface level. Dreaming of an eyeball can also suggest that you need to pay closer attention to details and gain a deeper understanding of a specific situation or relationship. It is a reminder to trust your instincts and rely on your own perspective, even if it goes against popular opinion. Alternatively, an eyeball in a dream may indicate a sense of being watched or observed. It could imply a feeling of vulnerability or the need for privacy in your waking life. This dream might also reflect a desire to see things more clearly or gain a different perspective on certain matters. In summary, dreaming about an eyeball represents your inner wisdom, perception, and capacity to uncover the truth. It encourages you to trust your instincts and dig deeper for a better understanding of your reality.


Eyebrows in dreams symbolize expression, communication, and judgment. The state and appearance of the eyebrows can offer insights into emotional reactions and social interactions. Dreaming of well-groomed and defined eyebrows signifies confidence and assertiveness in waking life. It suggests that you are effectively conveying your thoughts and opinions, and others acknowledge and respect your viewpoint. When the eyebrows are overly thick or bushy in a dream, it signifies a need to be more cautious with your words and actions. It suggests that you may be coming across as too abrasive or overpowering, inadvertently causing tension or discord in your relationships. Dreams featuring thin or nonexistent eyebrows indicate feelings of vulnerability and insecurity. It may suggest a lack of confidence in expressing oneself or making important decisions. In such dreams, it is essential to examine any underlying self-doubt or fear of judgment that might be holding you back from fully expressing your true thoughts and emotions. If you dream of plucking or shaping your eyebrows, it signifies a desire for personal transformation and self-improvement. It suggests that you are actively seeking ways to refine your communication style and find balance in your interactions with others. Dreaming of someone with excessively arched or exaggerated eyebrows could highlight your perception of their judgmental nature. It may reflect your fear of being criticized or judged negatively by that person, or it might indicate an internal struggle with self-criticism and high expectations. Exploring the context and emotions surrounding your dream will provide deeper insight into the specific meaning of eyebrows in your dream scenario. Consider any interactions or events related to communication and interpretation and how they tie into your waking life experiences.


Eyelids: Dreaming about eyelids often symbolizes the need for introspection and inner reflection. It suggests a desire to shield oneself or withdraw from the external world. The state of closed eyelids in a dream may indicate a need to block out negativity or avoid confronting certain aspects of reality. Alternatively, dreaming of heavy or drooping eyelids can suggest weariness or a lack of energy in waking life. Pay attention to the context and emotions surrounding this dream symbol to gain a deeper understanding of its personal significance.

Eyelids Big

Eyelids Big: When you dream of having unexpectedly large or oversized eyelids, it signifies a heightened sense of awareness and perception in your waking life. Your subconscious is emphasizing the need for you to pay attention to details and observe situations more keenly. Big eyelids in dreams often indicate a heightened ability to notice opportunities or potential dangers that may not be initially apparent. This dream may be a reminder to trust your instincts and rely on your intuition to navigate through complex situations. It could also signify a need to be more vigilant and cautious in your interactions and decisions. Consider this dream as an invitation to be more observant and attentive to the world around you, as it may hold valuable insights and hidden meanings.


Eyeliner - Dreaming of eyeliner symbolizes the desire for enhanced personal appearance and self-expression. It may reflect a need for greater confidence and assertiveness in waking life. Seeing yourself applying or wearing eyeliner suggests a desire to captivate others and draw attention to your physical attributes or talents. Alternatively, dreaming of excessive or smeared eyeliner may indicate a lack of authenticity or insecurity in presenting oneself to others. Consider the color and condition of the eyeliner for further interpretation.


Eyes in dreams often symbolize perception, awareness, and personal insight. The conditions and interactions involving eyes within a dream can provide additional meanings. Below are some common interpretations for dreams involving eyes: 1. Bright and Clear Eyes: These represent clarity and optimism. Dreaming of eyes that are vibrant and full of life suggests a positive outlook and an enhanced sense of awareness. 2. Closed Eyes: Closed eyes in dreams might signify a refusal or avoidance to acknowledge certain aspects of oneself or the situation at hand. It could indicate that you are intentionally turning a blind eye to something you should address. 3. Blindness: Dreaming of blindness or blurry vision can reflect feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or a lack of direction in your waking life. It might suggest that you feel unable to see the truth or make important decisions. 4. Eye Contact: Making eye contact with someone in a dream often symbolizes the desire for connection, understanding, or recognition. It could indicate a longing for deeper emotional interaction or a need to establish a stronger connection with someone in your waking life. 5. Third Eye: The third eye refers to the spiritual and intuitive center located between the eyebrows. Dreaming about a third eye commonly represents heightened spirituality, psychic abilities, or an increased awareness of the mystical aspects of life. 6. Red or Bloodshot Eyes: Bloodshot or red eyes in a dream might signify exhaustion, stress, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. It suggests that you are drained emotionally or physically due to excessive workloads or burdens. 7. Missing or Lost Eyes: Dreaming of missing or lost eyes suggests a fear of losing or being unable to perceive something valuable in your waking life, such as insight, opportunities, or connections. It could indicate a sense of vulnerability or a fear of being blindsided. 8. Evil or Malevolent Eyes: Dreams featuring sinister or malevolent eyes might indicate the presence of negative influences, fears, or anxieties in your life. It could represent feelings of being watched or judged critically by others. 9. Wide-Open Eyes: Eyes wide open in a dream can symbolize a state of heightened awareness, vigilance, or curiosity. It may imply that you are open to new experiences or receptive to the messages and lessons that the world has to offer. Remember, dream interpretations can vary depending on an individual's unique experiences and emotions. It is essential to consider personal associations and feelings while interpreting dreams about eyes.

Eyes Closed

Dreaming of having your eyes closed signifies a state of introspection and inner reflection. It suggests that you may be intentionally denying yourself access to a certain truth or aspect of your life. This symbol can also indicate a need for you to temporarily block out external influences in order to focus on your own thoughts and emotions. This dream may be an invitation to explore your subconscious mind, to dive deep into your innermost desires, fears, and wishes. Pay attention to the sensations and emotions you experience during this dream, as they may hold valuable insights into your current state of being.


Meaning: An eyewitness in a dream represents a heightened sense of awareness and observation in the waking life. This type of dream often signifies a need to pay attention to details and gather accurate information in order to make informed decisions. It may also suggest a desire for more clarity and precision in understanding situations or relationships. Additionally, dreaming of being an eyewitness can indicate an inner search for truth and a desire to uncover hidden truths. This dream serves as a reminder to trust in one's perceptions and to rely on personal observations when navigating through life's complexities.