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Dream Dictionary: HAND


Symbolizes: - Control and power: Dreams about hands often represent a desire for control and authority in various aspects of life. They can indicate a need for taking charge and asserting power over situations or individuals. - Connections and relationships: Hands can represent connectivity and closeness with others. Dreaming of hands can signify a desire for emotional or physical connections, intimacy, or the need for support from others. - Actions and abilities: The hands symbolize our capabilities and skills. Dreaming of hands can be an indication of wanting to utilize one's talents, accomplish goals, or explore new opportunities. They can also represent manual dexterity and the ability to manipulate situations or objects. - Expressing oneself: Hands are often associated with communication and self-expression. Dreams featuring hands may reflect a desire to express oneself freely, communicate effectively, or convey emotions and thoughts without inhibition. Possible interpretations: - Clenched fists: If the hands in the dream are seen tightly clenched into fists, it may symbolize frustration, anger, or the need to hold back emotions. It can represent a struggle for control or repressed feelings. - Helping hands: Seeing hands reaching out to help or support can signify a need for assistance or guidance in specific areas of life. It may also suggest a compassionate nature or a desire to offer help to others. - Injured or missing hands: Dreams where the hands are injured, wounded, or absent can indicate feelings of powerlessness, vulnerability, or the belief that one's abilities or efforts are limited. It may suggest a lack of control in certain situations or a sense of loss. - Multiple hands: Dreaming of numerous hands can represent overwhelming responsibilities, multitasking, or feeling pulled in different directions. It may denote a need to prioritize or delegate tasks. - Dirty or clean hands: The cleanliness or dirtiness of hands in dreams can reflect one's sense of morality or guilt. Clean hands might signify a clear conscience or purity of intentions, while dirty hands could represent feelings of dishonesty, guilt, or a need for forgiveness. Remember that the interpretations provided are general and may vary based on personal experiences and associations.

Hand Back

Dreams in which you see your hand being handed back to you symbolize a sense of regaining control and power in your life. It represents the ability to confront and overcome challenges or situations that may have previously caused you distress or uncertainty. This dream suggests that you have developed a newfound confidence and assertiveness, allowing you to actively take charge of your own decisions and actions. It signifies a positive transformation in your self-perception, as you have become more aware of your own capabilities and strengths. Alternatively, this dream could also reflect a desire to reclaim or retrieve something that you feel has been taken away from you. It may signify a need to reconcile with past experiences, relationships, or opportunities that you believe have been lost or missed. Pay attention to the state and appearance of your hand in the dream, as it can provide further insight into the specific areas of your life where you are reclaiming control or seeking resolution.

Hand Holding

Dreaming of hand holding is a common symbol in the realm of dreams. Recognized as a gesture of intimacy, trust, and connection, hand holding dreams often reflect interpersonal relationships and emotions. To interpret these dreams, one should consider the context, feelings, and individuals involved. Positive connotations can be derived from dreams that feature hand holding. It symbolizes affection, unity, and emotional support in both romantic and platonic relationships. Such dreams may indicate a strong bond and a deep sense of closeness with someone, suggesting feelings of love, companionship, or reliance. Negatively perceived hand holding dreams may reveal feelings of insecurity, uncertainty, or fear in a relationship. It might signify a struggle to connect with others on an emotional or intimate level, or efforts to maintain control in a vulnerable situation. These dreams could serve as reminders to explore and address any underlying emotional issues within relationships. The interpretation of hand holding dreams can vary depending on the specific feelings and experiences associated with the dream. Analyzing the overall ambiance, the individuals involved, and any related events or symbols within the dream may provide additional insights into the dreamer's emotions and desires. Note: This entry is not intended to provide personalized interpretations and should be used for general informational purposes only. The meaning of dreams can be highly subjective and may vary from person to person.

Hand Motions

Hand Motions: Dreaming of hand motions symbolizes your ability to take control and manipulate situations in your waking life. The specific gestures and actions of your hands hold significant meaning and can provide insight into different aspects of your personality and behavior. Interpretations of hand motions in dreams can vary depending on the context and the motion itself. Consider the following common hand motions: 1. Clenching Fist: Dreaming of clenching your fist indicates determination and a strong willpower. This gesture suggests that you are ready to face challenges and overcome obstacles in your waking life. 2. Fingers Pointing: When your fingers are pointing in a dream, it signifies the need to focus your attention on something important. Pay close attention to what your fingers are pointing at in the dream, as it may highlight an area of your life that requires your immediate attention. 3. Waving Goodbye: Dreaming of waving goodbye suggests that you are ready to let go of the past or move on from a certain situation. This motion indicates a willingness to release negative emotions and embrace new beginnings. 4. Handshakes: Dreaming of handshakes signifies a desire for connection, cooperation, and collaboration. This gesture often represents social interactions, networking opportunities, or the establishment of new relationships, both personal and professional. 5. Thumbs Up: The thumbs-up gesture in a dream symbolizes approval and positivity. This dream suggests that you are confident in your choices and decisions, and you believe in your abilities to succeed. 6. Hand Gestures in Communication: If your dream involves using hand gestures while speaking, it implies effective communication. These gestures convey your thoughts and emotions with clarity and confidence, allowing others to understand you better. 7. Writing or Drawing with Hands: Dreaming of writing or drawing using your hands highlights your creativity and expressive nature. This gesture represents your desire to communicate your ideas and emotions through artistic means. Remember, the interpretation of hand motions in dreams can vary widely, so it's essential to contemplate the specific motion, context, and emotions experienced in the dream to gain a deeper understanding of its significance.


Hand-holding in dreams symbolizes a deep connection and emotional intimacy between individuals. It reflects a desire for closeness, support, and unity. This dream often represents a need for companionship and the longing for a sincere and loving relationship. It can also signify a longing for guidance or reassurance in a particular aspect of life. Hand-holding dreams may reflect a strong bond with someone, whether it be a partner, friend, or family member, and the importance of their presence and support in your life. These dreams can also represent a desire to establish trust and connection with someone new. Consider the overall emotions and context of the dream to gain deeper insight into the specific meaning of hand-holding in your dream.


Handcuff - When handcuffs appear in a dream, it often symbolizes a feeling of restriction or limitation in one's life. It signifies a sense of being restrained or held back from certain actions, decisions, or freedom. This dream can indicate a lack of control or power over a specific situation or even a relationship. It may also suggest feelings of guilt or the need for self-discipline in order to overcome challenges. Alternatively, the dream may represent a desire for adventure, excitement, or exploration beyond the usual boundaries. Consider the context and emotions associated with the dream to further interpret its meaning.


Symbol: Handcuffs Overall Meaning: Restriction, confinement, loss of freedom Handcuffs are a powerful symbol in dreams, representing a sense of restriction or confinement in one's waking life. The presence of handcuffs in a dream may indicate feelings of being restrained, trapped, or limited in some aspect. The context and emotions surrounding the dream will provide further insight into the interpretation. Positive interpretations: In certain cases, handcuffs can signify a necessary restriction or limitation. For example, if the dreamer is struggling with self-discipline or addictive behavior, the dream may be a reflection of their desire for control or a need to break free from destructive patterns. In this sense, handcuffs serve as a reminder to exercise restraint and discipline. Negative interpretations: Handcuffs can also represent a loss of freedom, either imposed by external forces or self-inflicted. This dream may arise when the dreamer feels trapped in a certain situation or relationship, experiencing a lack of independence or autonomy. It may serve as a warning sign to evaluate relationships or circumstances that restrict personal growth and happiness. Fear and anxiety: Dreams involving handcuffs can provoke feelings of fear, anxiety, or powerlessness due to their association with criminal activity or legal consequences. These dreams often emerge during periods of heightened stress or when the dreamer feels guilty or burdened by something they have done. Unlocking or escaping: Encountering handcuffs in a dream may also include scenarios where the dreamer manages to unlock or escape from them. This can symbolize a desire for liberation from the constraints that currently hinder personal progress or self-expression. General symbolism: Handcuffs are universally recognized as tools of restraint, representing the curbing of one's freedom or ability to act. They are often seen in dreams as a metaphorical representation of boundaries or limitations, which can manifest in a variety of circumstances such as work, relationships, or personal aspirations. Overall, the appearance of handcuffs in a dream highlights a sense of confinement or restriction in the dreamer's waking life. The specific emotions and context within the dream will provide valuable clues for understanding the dream's message. It is essential to consider the dreamer's unique experiences and personal associations with handcuffs to arrive at a more accurate interpretation.


Dreaming of a handicap symbolizes a feeling of limitation, restriction, or a lack of control in various aspects of life. This dream indicates that you may be facing challenges or obstacles that are hindering your progress or preventing you from fully expressing yourself. It may also reflect a sense of vulnerability or helplessness in certain situations. Consider examining the specific handicap depicted in the dream to gain further insight into the area of your life in which you feel limited or incapable. This dream encourages you to explore ways to overcome these limitations and find alternative solutions to achieve your goals.


To dream of a handkerchief signifies emotional healing and the need for gentle release. This symbolizes the desire to wipe away tears or anxieties, and suggests that you may need to emotionally cleanse yourself from burdens or unresolved issues. The handkerchief represents a tool for comfort and consolation, offering solace and support during times of distress. Pay close attention to the color and condition of the handkerchief, as it may provide additional insights into the nature of your emotional state and the specific areas of healing required. Overall, this dream indicates a need for emotional care and the importance of addressing and releasing pent-up emotions.


Handling in a dream symbolizes your ability to manage and take control of various aspects of your life. It reflects your confidence, competence, and adaptability in dealing with different situations and challenges. Positive interpretations of handling dreams suggest that you possess a practical and resourceful nature. You have the capability to handle any obstacles or problems that come your way, often finding swift and effective solutions. This dream signifies your capability to juggle multiple responsibilities and manage them efficiently. Alternatively, handling dreams could represent the need to gain control over a specific situation or a certain aspect of your life. It may indicate that you are seeking a sense of power or influence over circumstances that seem overwhelming or chaotic. Negative interpretations of handling dreams may suggest difficulty in dealing with the demands of your personal or professional life. It could indicate feelings of being overwhelmed or unable to manage certain responsibilities and tasks effectively. This dream may serve as a reminder to slow down, reevaluate your priorities, and seek support if necessary. The specific object or situation being handled in the dream can provide further insights into its meaning. For example, handling money might symbolize your financial prowess, while handling a delicate object may symbolize your ability to handle fragile relationships or emotions. Overall, a dream involving handling signifies your competence in managing different aspects of your life, but it may also highlight areas where you need to improve your skills or seek assistance.


Symbolizes: Manifestation, presence, identity General Description: Dreams about handprints often represent the act of leaving a lasting mark on the world or having a tangible impact in your personal life. Handprints are symbolic of your unique identity, talents, and abilities. They may also suggest the presence of others who have influenced you or the need to establish your individuality. Possible Interpretations: - Personal Empowerment: Seeing a handprint in your dream may signify a desire for self-expression and asserting your influence or power in a situation. It can serve as a reminder to embrace your strengths and take ownership of your actions. - Artistic Expression: If you witness handprints on an artistic medium in your dream, such as a painting or sculpture, it may indicate a need for creative expression. This dream suggests that you explore and embrace your artistic abilities or engage in a creative endeavor to fulfill your deepest desires. - Identification and Connection: Discovering handprints that belong to someone you know or recognize symbolizes the influence and impact they have on your life. It can represent a strong relationship, mentorship, or a reminder of the importance of social connections. - Leaving a Legacy: Leaving behind your own handprint in a dream can be a metaphorical representation of your desire to be remembered or leave a lasting impact on the world. This dream may encourage you to assess your goals and consider how you can contribute positively to your community or society at large. Possible Feelings: - Empowerment: Dreaming of handprints often instills a sense of empowerment and confidence, reminding you of your unique talents and abilities. - Intrigue: Discovering handprints in unexpected places or from unknown individuals in your dream may evoke curiosity or a desire to explore new possibilities. - Recognition: Seeing handprints that you can associate with someone significant may generate feelings of gratitude, reassurance, or a reminder of the support you receive from others. - Introspection: Leaving your own handprint behind can lead to contemplation about the impact you have on others and the legacy you wish to create. Note: The context and details of the dream, as well as personal experiences and emotions, should be taken into consideration when interpreting the meaning of a dream about handprints.


Hands in dreams symbolize various aspects of human interaction, control, and capability. The interpretation of hands in a dream can vary depending on the context and specific details present. Here are some common dream scenarios involving hands and their possible meanings: 1. Strong and Capable Hands: Dreaming of strong, capable hands represents a sense of power and control. It indicates that you are confident in your abilities and ready to take charge of a situation. 2. Dirty or Injured Hands: Dreaming of dirty or injured hands may suggest a feeling of guilt or a fear of making mistakes. It could reflect an awareness of past actions that have caused harm or a need to take better care of yourself. 3. Helping Hand: If you dream of extending a helping hand, it signifies your willingness to assist others or make a positive impact in someone's life. This dream represents empathy, compassion, and a desire to lend support. 4. Receiving a Handshake: When you dream of receiving a handshake, it represents a potential new connection or partnership – often of a professional or personal nature. This dream could indicate upcoming opportunities or collaboration. 5. Losing or Missing Hands: Dreaming of losing or missing hands can convey a sense of vulnerability, powerlessness, or a fear of losing control in waking life. It may reflect insecurities or the need to regain autonomy in certain areas of your life. 6. Multiple Hands: Dreams featuring multiple hands suggest cooperation, teamwork, or the need for assistance. This could signify an upcoming project where collaboration will be essential or a reminder to seek support when needed. 7. Waving Hands: Dreaming of waving hands symbolizes the desire for recognition or attention. It might reflect a need for validation or acknowledgment from others in your waking life. 8. Clapping Hands: When you dream of clapping hands, it represents celebration, approval, or enthusiasm. This dream signifies joy, success, or the appreciation of achievements. Note: The interpretation of hands in dreams should always be considered within the larger context of the dream and the dreamer's personal experiences and emotions. Different individuals may have unique associations with hands, so it is crucial to explore personal symbolism as well.

Hands Held Together

Symbol: Hands held together General Meaning: The dream symbol of hands held together represents unity, connection, and solidarity. It is a powerful image that often reflects the individual's yearning for harmony, cooperation, and collaboration in various aspects of life. Positive: Dreaming of hands held together suggests a positive outlook on relationships, teamwork, and the desire to connect with others. This dream may indicate a strong bond, partnership, or friendship that provides support and stability in your waking life. It signifies the strength that comes from the collective efforts and cooperation of individuals. Negative: Alternatively, hands held together in a dream can point to feelings of entrapment, restriction, or being bound by circumstances. This dream may reflect a sense of being trapped in an unhealthy relationship, tight obligations, or a lack of personal freedom. It could signify a need for more independent decision-making or a desire for greater autonomy. Guidance: Seeing hands held together can serve as a reminder to cultivate unity, cooperation, or collaboration in your waking life. It encourages you to seek opportunities to work together and support others towards a common goal. If you feel restricted or trapped by certain circumstances, this dream may encourage you to find ways to regain personal freedom while maintaining healthy connections. Possible Action: Embrace the symbol of hands held together as a call to foster better relationships, whether it be with friends, family, colleagues, or partners. If feeling trapped, reassess the situation and seek ways to regain personal freedom without severing important connections. Consider strategies that promote cooperation and unity rather than isolation or conflict.


Symbol: Handsome General Description: Dreaming of a handsome person symbolizes attractiveness, confidence, and charisma. This dream typically represents one's admiration, desire for connection, or aspirations for personal growth. Positive connotations in dreams about a handsome person can signify various aspects such as personal charm, self-assurance, popularity, or the ability to captivate others. However, it is essential to emphasize that dreams are highly subjective and can be influenced by individual experiences and emotions. Therefore, the interpretation may vary depending on the dreamer's feelings and the context of the dream. Possible Interpretations: 1. Inner Confidence: Dreaming of being handsome or seeing someone handsome can reflect a sense of confidence and belief in oneself. It suggests that the dreamer may be feeling more self-assured or taking pride in their appearance and personal qualities. 2. Desirability and Attraction: Seeing a handsome person in your dream may represent your desire for emotional or physical connection. It could indicate that you are seeking recognition or longing for romantic involvement, or it may symbolize a need for acceptance and validation from others. 3. Personal Growth and Development: A dream featuring a handsome person can also reflect the dreamer's aspirations for personal growth or transformation. It may be a symbol of a desire to become more confident, charismatic, or influential in waking life. 4. Idealized Self-Image: Dreaming of being exceptionally handsome can sometimes reveal the dreamer's idealized self-image or their desire to project a specific image to others. It may indicate a need for acceptance or a longing to be seen in a particular way by society or loved ones. Note: As with any dream interpretation, it is crucial to consider the context, emotions, and personal experiences of the dreamer when deriving meaning from a dream about being handsome or encountering a handsome person.

Handsome Guy

Meaning: Dreaming about a handsome guy represents admiration, desire, and the longing for an ideal romantic partner. This dream may symbolize your own confidence, self-worth, or the need for validation. It could indicate feelings of attraction towards someone in waking life or a desire for a strong and appealing connection with another person. Alternatively, this dream might suggest that you are seeking qualities such as charm, charisma, or attractiveness in a partner or in your own personality. Consider the actions and emotions within the dream to decipher its personal significance.


To dream of a handwatch represents a heightened awareness of time and the need for efficiency in your life. This dream symbolizes the importance of being mindful of deadlines, appointments, and commitments. It suggests that you may feel a sense of urgency or pressure to manage your time effectively. If the handwatch in your dream is ticking rapidly or uncontrollably, it signifies feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed by the fast pace of life. This dream may be urging you to prioritize your tasks, find better time management techniques, or seek opportunities to relax and reduce stress. On the contrary, if the handwatch in your dream is broken or not functioning correctly, it symbolizes a lack of control over your time or a fear of missing out on important opportunities. This dream may be a reminder to reassess your priorities, set realistic goals, and create a more structured routine. If you notice specific details about the handwatch, such as its color, design, or brand, it may provide additional insights into the context of your dream. Consider these details when interpreting the dream as they can contribute to a more accurate analysis.


A dream involving being handy typically symbolizes one's ability to problem-solve and find practical solutions to various situations in waking life. This dream often reflects competence, resourcefulness, and an aptitude for DIY projects or fixing things. It signifies the dreamer's confidence in their own skills and their capability to navigate through challenges. Additionally, this dream can also indicate a need for independence and self-reliance. Overall, dreaming of being handy suggests a positive mindset towards accomplishing tasks and a willingness to take charge of one's circumstances.