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Dream Dictionary: MET


Symbol: Met Description: Dreaming of meeting someone, or being met by someone, often represents a significant encounter or connection in your waking life. This dream symbolizes a meeting of minds, emotions, or energies with another person, and can have various interpretations depending on the context. - Positive Meaning: Meeting someone in a dream can symbolize new beginnings, opportunity, or even a potential romantic relationship. It may signify the start of a friendship, partnership, or collaboration, suggesting positive outcomes and personal growth. - Negative Meaning: In some cases, a dream about being met can indicate feelings of vulnerability, apprehension, or even confrontation. It could symbolize unresolved conflicts, unease in social interactions, or a sense of being overwhelmed by someone's presence. These dreams might also reflect a fear of judgment or rejection. - Emotional Significance: The emotions experienced during the dream meeting are a crucial aspect to consider. Feelings of joy, warmth, or excitement suggest a positive significance, while anxiety, fear, or confusion may point to unresolved issues or uncertainties related to the encounter. - Self-Reflection: This dream urges the dreamer to reflect upon their waking life connections and the impact others have on their emotional well-being. It encourages exploring the significance of relationships and how they shape one's personal growth and happiness. Possible interpretations for specific encounters may differ based on the people involved, the setting, individual associations, and personal experiences. It is important to consider these factors when analyzing the deeper meaning of a dream involving a meeting. Consulting with a professional dream interpreter or therapist may provide further insight into the specific implications for the dreamer.


Symbolism: In the realm of dreams, metal symbolizes various qualities such as strength, durability, structure, and rigidity. This versatile material often reflects the dreamer's mindset, emotions, or situations that require resilience and stability. The presence of metal in dreams can evoke a sense of power, protection, or constraint, depending on the context and the dreamer's associations with the specific type of metal encountered. Steel: Dreaming of steel signifies a powerful and unyielding nature. It represents determination, willpower, and the ability to overcome challenges. Steel in dreams may suggest that the dreamer possesses a robust character, capable of enduring difficult circumstances with unwavering resolve. Iron: Iron in dreams is associated with firmness, discipline, and perseverance. It may reflect a need for structure and order in the dreamer's life or an inclination towards control and stability. Additionally, dreaming of iron can symbolize protection and a desire to establish boundaries to safeguard oneself. Gold: Dreaming of gold reveals aspirations for success, abundance, and wealth. This valuable metal symbolizes prosperity, luxury, and the fulfillment of desires. Such dreams may hint at the dreamer's ambitions and their pursuit of a sense of high value or worth in various aspects of life. Silver: Silver in dreams is often associated with intuition, emotions, and the feminine energy. It represents tranquility, sensitivity, and wisdom. Dreaming of silver might indicate that the dreamer possesses intuitive abilities or needs to tap into their emotional intelligence to navigate certain situations. Copper: Copper symbolizes grounding, creativity, and warmth. This metal is frequently linked to the aspect of balance in life, suggesting that the dreamer may need to find equilibrium or express their creative potential. Dreaming of copper may also suggest the need to connect with others on a deeper level or cultivate a sense of community. Note: The interpretation of metal in dreams can vary depending on the personal experiences, cultural background, and emotions of the dreamer. Additionally, the specific objects or situations involving metal in the dream should be considered for a more nuanced analysis.

Metal Beams.

Metal Beams Dreaming of metal beams represents strength, stability, and support in your waking life. These beams are symbolic of the foundational elements that provide structure and security. Metal beams in dreams often indicate a solid foundation or a steady framework upon which you can build your aspirations and achieve your goals. Positive interpretations of this dream may suggest that you have a strong support system or a reliable network of friends and family who provide guidance and assistance. In such cases, the dream signifies that you are in a favorable position to reach your desired outcomes as you can lean on the support of others. A dream featuring metal beams may also symbolize resilience and an ability to withstand challenges or adversity. It serves as a reminder that you possess the inner strength and determination required to overcome obstacles and accomplish your objectives. However, if the metal beams in your dream appear damaged, rusted, or collapsing, it may indicate feelings of instability, insecurity, or a lack of support in your waking life. This dream could be urging you to evaluate the foundations upon which you are building your goals. Consider reassessing your relationships, work environment, or personal beliefs to ensure they align with your long-term dreams and aspirations. In summary, dreams involving metal beams represent strength, stability, and support in your waking life. They may indicate the presence of a solid foundation or successful support network, or conversely, suggest the need to reevaluate the stability of your current situation.

Metal Construct

A dream featuring a metal construct symbolizes strength, stability, and resilience in various aspects of your life. This dream may reflect your ambition, determination, and ability to endure challenging situations. The metal construct represents a solid foundation on which you can build and achieve your goals. It also indicates your practical mindset and the ability to stay organized, focused, and disciplined in order to accomplish your objectives. Additionally, this dream may suggest that you have a desire for structure and order in your life, seeking to create a strong and dependable framework for yourself and those around you.

Metal Drum

The presence of a metal drum in a dream often represents strength, endurance, and resilience. This symbol may indicate that you have the inner resources and abilities necessary to face and overcome challenging situations in your waking life. The metal drum also suggests a need for self-expression and emotional release. You may have pent-up emotions or creative ideas that need to be expressed and shared with others. This dream could be a reminder to find healthy outlets for your emotions or explore your creative side. Additionally, the metal drum can symbolize the rhythm and harmony necessary to navigate through life's ups and downs. It may signify the need to find balance and maintain a steady pace in your daily endeavors. Overall, the presence of a metal drum invites introspection into your resilience, emotions, and the importance of finding stability amidst life's challenges.

Metal Rod

Meaning: Dreaming of a metal rod signifies strength, resilience, and determination. It represents an inner energy and the ability to uphold and support oneself in difficult situations. This dream may suggest that you possess unwavering conviction and steadfastness in pursuing your goals and ambitions. The metal rod symbolizes your firm resolve to overcome obstacles and successfully navigate through any challenging circumstances. It also signifies a solid foundation and the capacity to provide stability and support to others in your waking life. This dream encourages you to maintain your determination and act as a source of strength for yourself and others.

Metal Roof

Meaning: Dreaming of a metal roof symbolizes protection, stability, and strength in your waking life. This dream often suggests that you have built a solid framework or foundation for yourself, providing a sense of security and support. The metal material represents durability and resilience, indicating that you are capable of enduring challenges and weathering any obstacles that may come your way. If the metal roof in your dream appears shiny and well-maintained, it signifies a positive outlook and a prosperous future ahead. This dream suggests that you possess the necessary resources and inner strength to achieve your goals and ambitions. However, if the metal roof appears rusty or damaged in any way, it may be a warning sign of potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your life. Take this dream as an opportunity to assess areas that require attention or improvement, be it in your relationships, career, or personal well-being. Overall, dreaming of a metal roof brings a message of solidity and security, reminding you to cultivate a strong foundation in your waking life to navigate confidently through challenges.

Metal Ruler

Symbolizing precision, order, and structure, dreaming about a metal ruler often indicates a desire for accuracy and control in your waking life. The metal ruler embodies a sense of commitment to logical thinking and the need to measure and evaluate situations. This dream may suggest that you are seeking a methodical approach to solving problems or ensuring fairness in your interactions. Alternatively, the metal ruler can serve as a reminder to maintain a careful balance between structure and flexibility, avoiding becoming too rigid or inflexible in your thoughts and actions. Overall, the metal ruler dream signifies a quest for clear guidelines and a desire to establish firm boundaries.

Metal Screws

Symbolizes stability and structure in one's life. Dreaming of metal screws suggests a need for order and organization. It may represent a desire for things to be securely fastened or held together in your waking life. This dream could indicate a need for stability or a reminder to pay attention to the intricate details of a particular situation. Consider the condition and appearance of the screws in your dream, as it may provide further insight into the level of firmness or durability in your current circumstances.

Metal Sonic

Metal Sonic Metal Sonic in a dream symbolizes a sense of artificiality and impersonality. This dream often reflects feelings of being trapped, controlled, or manipulated by external forces or circumstances. It may indicate a lack of authenticity or a fear of losing one's individuality. Seeing Metal Sonic chasing or attacking you suggests that you are facing challenges or obstacles that are difficult to overcome. It may represent an intense competition or rivalry in your waking life, signaling the need to be assertive and proactive. Alternatively, dreaming of controlling Metal Sonic signifies a desire for power, control, or dominance in your personal or professional life. This dream suggests a need to assert your authority and take charge of situations. Encountering a broken or malfunctioning Metal Sonic could represent a fear of technology failing or not being reliable. It may reflect concerns about the reliance on artificial intelligence or automated systems in your waking life. Overall, Metal Sonic serves as a symbol of the struggle between human emotions and the coldness of robotic precision. Pay attention to your feelings during this dream, as they can provide further insight into your subconscious fears and desires.


Metals are often associated with strength, durability, and resilience. Dreaming of metallic elements can symbolize similar attributes or characteristics being expressed within the dreamer or the situation at hand. Here are some possible interpretations for dreaming of metallic objects or surfaces: 1. Symbol of Power and Authority: Dreaming of metallic objects such as gold, silver, or platinum can represent a desire for power, influence, or recognition. It may reflect the dreamer's ambitions or aspirations in their personal or professional life. 2. Emotional Resilience: Seeing a metallic surface in a dream may signify emotional strength or resilience. It could suggest that the dreamer is able to withstand challenging or difficult emotions, maintaining a solid and composed demeanor even during turbulent times. 3. Material Wealth and Prosperity: Dreaming of metallic objects may also indicate financial abundance and material wealth. It could reflect the dreamer's desires or concerns related to money, success, or financial security. 4. Unyielding Resolve: A dream involving a metallic substance can symbolize determination and a steadfast attitude. It suggests that the dreamer possesses the ability to stay determined and focused on their goals, refusing to be easily swayed or deterred. 5. Coldness or Lack of Emotional Connection: Alternatively, dreaming of a metallic surface or object may symbolize emotional detachment, aloofness, or a lack of empathy. It may suggest a need for the dreamer to foster stronger connections with others or seek a more compassionate approach in their interactions. As with any dream symbolism, the interpretation of metallic elements appearing in dreams can vary depending on the personal experiences, feelings, and cultural context of the dreamer.


Description: A metalnet dream refers to a vivid and complex dream where the dreamer encounters a network of metallic structures, often resembling a web or net. These metallic structures can vary in size, from small intricate patterns to large, imposing constructs. The dreamer may observe themselves or others navigating through the metalnet, exploring its intricacies or attempting to find their way out. Symbolism: The metalnet in dreams embodies a variety of symbolic meanings. Its metallic nature often symbolizes strength, resilience, and durability. The dreamer may have a need for stability and a desire to establish a solid foundation in their life. Additionally, the metalnet can represent a sense of protection and security, offering a defense against external threats or emotional vulnerability. Furthermore, the intricate design of the metalnet signifies the complexity of the dreamer's thoughts, ideas, or situations they are currently facing. The dream may indicate a need to untangle convoluted issues or explore multiple interconnected aspects of their life. It conveys the necessity to navigate through the intricate webs of challenges, decisions, or relationships in order to find solutions or achieve personal growth. Possible Interpretations: 1. Resilience and Strength: Encountering a metalnet in a dream may reflect the dreamer's ability to endure and overcome obstacles. It suggests that they possess inner strength and resilience to face difficulties head-on. 2. Exploring Complexity: The dreamer's subconscious could be urging them to delve deeper into complex matters. It may be a call for them to explore different perspectives or analyze their thoughts and emotions more extensively. 3. Seeking Security: Dreaming of a metalnet may suggest that the dreamer desires stability and a sense of safety in their life. It could be an unconscious indication of their need for protection, both physically and emotionally. 4. Untangling Issues: The dream might be highlighting the dreamer's need to unravel complicated situations or relationships. It could signify a necessity to unravel confusion and find clarity in their waking life. 5. Connectivity and Interdependence: The metalnet dream could symbolize the interconnectedness of various aspects of the dreamer's life. It may imply that they need to recognize and understand the interdependence of different elements to create a harmonious existence. Overall, metalnet dreams encourage the dreamer to embrace complexity, navigate challenges, and seek stability and resilience as they strive for personal growth and fulfillment.


Metalwork in dreams symbolizes the process of shaping and transforming aspects of your life or personal characteristics. It represents your ability to mold your experiences and emotions into something of value and significance. Positive interpretations of metalwork dreams suggest strength, resilience, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. It signifies your determination and perseverance to overcome challenges, as well as your capacity to achieve success through hard work and dedication. Alternatively, metalwork dreams could reflect a need for flexibility and adjustment. It may indicate the need to be more open-minded and willing to change your perspective or approach in certain situations. Pay attention to the specific type of metalwork portrayed in your dream, as it could provide further insight into which areas of your life require adaptation and transformation. Overall, metalwork dreams invite you to explore your inner resources and abilities, reminding you that you have the power to shape your own destiny and create something meaningful out of your experiences.

Metaphysical Realm

The metaphysical realm is a dream category that encompasses dreams of exploring non-physical and spiritual dimensions. These dreams often involve encounters with supernatural beings, celestial landscapes, and events that defy the laws of the physical world. The metaphysical realm represents the heightened awareness of the dreamer's consciousness and their connection to something beyond the material plane. Dreams in this category can provide profound insights, spiritual guidance, and a sense of transcending earthly limitations. Exploring the metaphysical realm in dreams can be a transformative and enlightening experience, offering a glimpse into the hidden depths of human existence and the infinite possibilities of the universe.


A meteor appearing in a dream represents a sudden and impactful event or revelation in your waking life. This celestial phenomenon symbolizes the arrival of a significant change or transformation that may bring considerable impact and disruptions. The sight of a meteor signifies unexpected opportunities that have the potential to propel you towards success or alternatively, challenges that may require you to adapt swiftly. The meaning behind this dream symbol can vary depending on the context and emotions experienced during the dream. It is essential to consider your feelings and circumstances to interpret the specific significance of the meteor in your dream accurately. Ultimately, this dream suggests the need to be prepared for unexpected occurrences and to embrace change as it unfolds.

Meteor Shower

Symbolizes a celestial event in which a plethora of meteors streak through the sky, a meteor shower dream signifies an overwhelming influx of opportunities, inspiration, and transformative experiences. This dream represents a period of rapid personal growth, expansion, or a sudden surge of creative energy in your waking life. Just like the meteors illuminating the darkness, this dream suggests that new and exciting possibilities are emerging, bringing a sense of wonder and awe. Pay attention to the specific emotions and sensations felt during the dream, as they can provide clues about the intensity and significance of the upcoming changes. Embrace this powerful cosmic display as a signal to seize the opportunities presented by the universe and allow them to guide you towards personal fulfillment.

Meters Long

When you dream of something being "meters long," it represents a sense of immense length, size, or distance. This dream symbolizes the magnitude of a situation, task, or challenge you may be dealing with in your waking life. It indicates that you may feel overwhelmed or daunted by the sheer scale of what lies ahead. Alternatively, this dream can also reflect a desire for expansion, growth, or reaching new horizons. Pay attention to the context and emotions within the dream to gain further insight into its specific meaning for you.


Dreaming about attending the Met Gala signifies a desire for recognition and belonging in prestigious social circles. This dream suggests a longing to be seen, admired, and celebrated for your unique qualities and accomplishments. It reflects a yearning to be a part of glamorous events and to connect with influential individuals. Alternatively, the dream may indicate a fascination with fashion, art, or popular culture. It symbolizes an aspiration for creative expression and the opportunity to showcase your individuality. Consider the emotions and experiences within the dream to gain deeper insights into your personal desire for recognition and social validation.


Symbolizes: 1. Journey: Dreaming of a metro suggests embarking on a journey or progression in your life. It represents the capacity to move forward and navigate through various experiences and situations. 2. Efficiency and Order: The metro often symbolizes structure, organization, and efficiency. It signifies your need for discipline and methodical planning in order to achieve your goals smoothly and effectively. 3. Mass Transit: As a mode of mass transit, the metro embodies a sense of communal movement and shared experiences. It may indicate your desire for social connection and a need to be part of a larger community or group. 4. Direction and Guidance: Riding a metro can symbolize the need for guidance or direction. It suggests that you are seeking clarity or advice regarding a specific situation or decision in your waking life. Possible Interpretations: - Navigating Life's Challenges: Dreaming of a metro may indicate your ability to adapt and navigate through challenging circumstances in your life. It suggests that you possess the necessary skills and resources to overcome obstacles and achieve success. - Routine and Order: This dream may be a reminder for you to establish a daily routine and maintain order in your life. It could suggest the need for a structured approach to handle your responsibilities and tasks efficiently. - Connectivity and Social Interaction: If you dream about a bustling metro with people around, it may represent your desire for social connection and interaction. You may be seeking a sense of belonging or longing for deeper relationships with those around you. - Seeking Guidance and Clarity: Riding a metro in a dream could imply that you are in search of guidance or seeking clarity in a particular area of your life. It encourages you to trust your intuition and seek advice from others who may have relevant knowledge or experience. Possible Contexts: - Daily Commute: If you frequently travel on a metro in your waking life, dreaming about it may simply reflect your daily experiences and routines. - Career Advancement: Riding a metro in a dream could symbolize your ambition and desire for career progression. It may indicate that you are taking steps to move forward in your professional life. - Need for Structure: Dreaming of a metro system may be a message from your subconscious mind, prompting you to establish a more organized and structured approach to handle your responsibilities effectively. - Community Involvement: If you dream of a metro filled with different individuals, it could signify your desire to become more involved in your community or to make a positive impact on a larger scale. Note: Dream interpretation is subjective and can vary depending on personal experiences and emotions. It is important to consider the context of the dream and your own feelings towards the symbols when deciphering its meaning.