I was in the middle of a big game where everyone fights to win and there is only one winner or survivor. It was very similar to the hunger games. In my dream I get in a big fight with someone who has a very long katana and he starts cutting everything and everyone like crazy. In the fight I get my foot cut really badly and I somehow manage to escape but I leave my best friend Marco behind. Once I'm away from the fight I think about Marco but I don't see how I can go and save him so I leave him there. I continue moving forward with those who were still with me and try and avoid crossing paths with other groups to not get into more fights while trying to fix my wounds. Eventually a man that isn't part of the game and organises it all appears and gives me and everyone around me solutions to our problems. Where I can get my hand and foot checked and fixed, what to do. How to win. Lots of groups come together to listen to this man and nobody kills each other because we'd rather listen to what he has to say. Then there is a moment of tension where we need to decide whether to be friendly or to attack each other, and a girl says "are we all willing to listen?" To which we all reply in a loud chant "yes!" And so we rejoice in trusting each other and continuing our journey all together. My girlfriend Rocío then looks at me concerned and asks where we're going. The newly formed big team starts moving in one direction and as I follow them I ask my girlfriend if she's willing to listen. All she had to do was say yes and we could continue our journey together with everyone but I stead she simply stands there sad as we move away and then just gets in a truck with her best friend and leaves in another direction. That was the end of our relationship. I continue with my new team and my best friend Marco reappears, saying he managed to survive the fight, asking why I had left him behind. He seemed happy though, not upset about it. My other best friend Hector is now also there amongst the rest of us and we continue moving together. We do some parkour to get past a building and climb up and down together. We avoid other teams. Hector somehow gets on a giant dragon skeleton that moves like a car crushing everything in it's way and the rest of us follow him in our vehicles. But as we follow him he drives too fast and carelessly because he's drunk although it doesn't matter because everything in his way gets crushed. A team that's also driving ahead of us appears and we want to stop because if we catch up with them we'll get into another fight because that is how the game goes but Hector just plows through them and disappears. The rest of us stay behind because we can't do that and next thing you know the other team is stopping to turn around and fight us who didn't go through. We manage to hide and they don't find us. I then see 2 from the other team wander off to talk and I spy on them, leaving my colleagues behind and going alone. As I spy on them they take out a computer with a code that seems to be crucial to winning the game. I continue following them because I want to get a hold of that code but I can't quite see it from such a distance. They head towards a parking lot that in a way is also like a theme park and talk about how the answer is in gitbucket, a place that's like GitHub but worse, and that there they will find what they need to use this code. After some other things that I can't remember I end up finding my team again, all hiding under some tents to not get into trouble with those who can't see them, and we all live happily.
Ce rêve pourrait refléter tes pensées et émotions concernant les défis et la compétition dans ta vie. Le jeu dans le rêve peut symboliser les difficultés et les obstacles auxquels tu fais face dans tes objectifs et comment tu te sens pressé de survivre et de réussir.
Le fait que tu te retrouves au milieu d'une bagarre dans le rêve, où quelqu'un a un katana et coupe tout sur son passage, peut représenter la colère et la violence que tu perçois dans ton environnement. La coupure sévère que tu reçois au pied peut symboliser des sentiments d'affaiblissement ou de limitation en raison de ces situations difficiles.
Laisser ton meilleur ami Marco derrière toi peut indiquer que tu ressens un sentiment de sacrifice personnel dans ta quête de réussite. Peut-être que tu t'inquiètes que tes actions puissent avoir un impact négatif sur tes relations personnelles.
L'apparition de l'homme qui ne participe pas au jeu et offre des solutions peut représenter une figure d'autorité ou de sagesse qui te guide et t'aide dans ta situation actuelle. Le choix d'écouter plutôt que de se battre montre une disposition à apprendre et à travailler en équipe.
La partie où ta petite amie Rocío décide de ne pas rejoindre la nouvelle équipe et met fin à la relation peut symboliser la séparation émotionnelle ou le manque de soutien de quelqu'un proche de toi dans ton chemin vers tes objectifs. Il peut y avoir des sentiments de tristesse et de déception associés à cela.
Le retour de ton ami Marco et la présence de ton autre ami Héctor peuvent représenter le soutien et l'amitié que tu trouves dans ta vie, même au milieu des défis. Le parkour et le mouvement ensemble peuvent symboliser ta détermination et ta capacité à surmonter les obstacles.
Le fait qu'Héctor conduise de manière imprudente et ivre peut indiquer une impulsivité ou un manque de considération dans la façon dont tu fais face aux difficultés. Le fait que l'autre équipe soit écrasée peut refléter ta capacité à éviter les conflits ou les situations nuisibles.
En espionnant l'autre équipe, tu peux représenter ta curiosité et ton désir d'obtenir des informations cruciales pour avoir un avantage dans tes défis. Le code et la référence à "gitbucket" peuvent symboliser l'importance de chercher des ressources et des opportunités dans des endroits inattendus.
En général, le rêve suggère que tu es plongé dans un environnement compétitif et difficile, mais révèle également ta capacité à t'adapter, à trouver des solutions et à maintenir l'amitié et le soutien dans ta vie.