someone keep trying to kill me, he was wearing a mask, and I am keep escaping
Dreams about someone trying to kill you can indicate feelings of vulnerability and fear. The presence of a masked person may suggest that there is an unknown or hidden threat in your waking life. Your act of constantly escaping indicates a strong instinct for self-preservation.
This dream may reflect a situation where you feel pursued or attacked by someone or something that you are struggling to identify. It could represent a fear of being betrayed or overpowered by someone in your life, whether it's a personal relationship, work environment, or even internal conflicts and emotions.
Consider the context of your waking life to help decipher the dream's meaning. Are there any current situations causing you stress or anxiety? Are there unresolved conflicts or potential threats you are trying to avoid? Exploring these aspects can provide valuable insights into the specific triggers and symbolism of this dream. Remember, interpretation ultimately lies within the dreamer's unique personal associations and experiences.