I dreamed I touched my right ear. I felt a smooth surface on the inside of my ear. I began to remove it, I noticed it was a locust. It was brown with steaks of gold. The more I pulled, the more it stretched. The locust did not break. I finally removed all of the locust from my right ear. I remember noticing the end point of the locust was darker than the rest and pointy. I felt like I was successful to remove all of the bug from my ear. There were no remains. I placed the long bug in a pile . I remember I wanted to measure the length of the bug. I remember I wanted to show my mom. My mom is transitioned from this life.
Dreams are highly personal and subjective, so it's important to remember that different symbols and interpretations may resonate differently with each individual. However, based on the imagery you described, here is a possible interpretation of your dream:
The act of touching your right ear in your dream could symbolize your intuition and your ability to listen to yourself or to others. The smooth surface inside your ear may represent a sense of inner peace or tranquility that you have in your life.
The discovery of a locust in your ear could suggest that there is something disruptive or bothersome in your life that may be challenging to remove. The brown color with streaks of gold can represent a blend of earthly or practical matters with potential wealth or abundance.
As you attempt to remove the locust, but it stretches and does not break, it could symbolize a persistent or recurring issue that you have been dealing with. This could be related to a situation or emotion that you are struggling to resolve or overcome.
The fact that you are able to successfully remove all of the locust from your ear without any remains suggests that you have the strength and determination to tackle and resolve the challenges in your life.
Wanting to measure the length of the bug and show it to your mother, who has passed away, may symbolize your desire for validation, guidance, or support from someone who has played a significant role in your life. It could also indicate a yearning for closure or a wish to share your achievements or successes with someone who is no longer physically present.
Ultimately, this dream could indicate that you have the ability to confront and overcome obstacles in your life, even if they seem persistent or challenging. It may also reflect your longing for a connection with a loved one who has passed away.