I was on vacation staying in a guest house and whenever I would leave someone would break in and steal my stuff.
Dreams about theft often symbolize feelings of vulnerability and a fear of being taken advantage of in waking life. In this particular dream, being on vacation and staying in a guest house may symbolize a temporary escape or a break from your regular routine.
The repeated break-ins and thefts suggest a perceived lack of security or a fear of losing something valuable. It could represent a fear of being invaded or betrayed in some aspect of your life. It may also indicate concerns about personal boundaries being crossed or a fear of losing control over something important to you.
Consider if there are any situations or relationships in your waking life where you feel this sense of being taken advantage of or having your boundaries violated. This dream could be a reflection of those concerns and a reminder to set appropriate boundaries to protect your personal space and belongings.
It is important to remember that dream interpretations are subjective and can vary depending on personal experiences and circumstances. Reflecting on your own emotions and life experiences will provide you with the most accurate understanding of the dream's meaning.