I was in a large white square shaped lecture room. The students were gathered in an almost full circle. The room was dark, black almost, except there was a spotlight in the middle. The lecturer was by himself, with a single podium and laptop. He was explaining about DMT. But it was obvious that he hasn’t experienced dmt nor did anyone else in the room. I stepped out of the almost circle and explained that all living beings on earth have dmt in themselves. Then I told everyone that it can be accessed via third eye. I began teaching how and that’s when the dream ended.
This dream seems to symbolize your desire for knowledge and understanding, particularly in relation to consciousness and spiritual experiences. The large white lecture room represents a space of learning and gathering of information. The darkness and spotlight in the room may suggest that you feel drawn towards exploring the more esoteric or hidden aspects of life.
The lecturer representing DMT, a powerful psychoactive substance, could indicate your fascination with altered states of consciousness or the desire to expand your awareness. The fact that he hasn't experienced DMT, along with no one else in the room, could signify a feeling of frustration or a sense that others around you may not fully grasp or be open to these concepts.
Stepping out of the almost circle and sharing your knowledge about DMT and the third eye implies that you have a strong belief in the potential for transcendent experiences and the inner connection that can be accessed by all living beings. Teaching others about this indicates a desire to share your insights and help others awaken to their own spiritual potential.
Overall, this dream suggests that you are on a quest for deeper understanding and connection with the spiritual realm. It may also reflect your desire to guide and enlighten others, and to openly share your beliefs and experiences related to consciousness and spiritual growth.