Ok so I had a dream that there was smoke coming from a building it was black smoke and me and some other people saw the smoke and it looked like it came from a building a few blocks away the sky was daylight but then it turned to night time and th fire was now in a building across from the street from us and the fire was now stronger people were gasping and I was in shock the firefighters were trying to take out the fire then there was this tall women who had a stick or something which I found strange because you can't take a fire out with a stick but anywaysd she was trying to take out the fire but the fire didn't go out instead it grew stronger and bigger and the women was in shock thats when the scary part happens the fire goes on the ground and it almost looks like a fiery portal and there is like a strange black figure inside when i saw it i got scared it almost felt as if were the end of the world and jesus had come but if that figyre were rwally jesus why would he be coming through fire but anyways me and the crowd of people didn't know who the figure was inside i got too scared by my dream i tried waking up the last thing i heard someone say in my dream was "if this is real this is crazy!" And then I woke up
This dream may represent feelings of chaos, fear, and a sense of impending doom. The smoke coming from the building could symbolize a problem or issue that is becoming increasingly dangerous and difficult to manage. The transition from daylight to nighttime reflects a shift from calmness to darkness and uncertainty. The tall woman with the stick represents a futile attempt to control the situation, suggesting a feeling of powerlessness. The fiery portal and the unknown black figure inside could symbolize a sense of foreboding or a fear of the unknown. The mention of Jesus could indicate religious or spiritual concerns within your subconscious mind. Overall, this dream suggests a sense of unease and the need to confront and overcome challenging circumstances in your waking life.