Living in a the story house with several rooms I invite friends over, including my ex wife, and my parents, and my best friend with his girlfriend; they bring the of their cats Another friend brings over a piglet We eat, drink and socialize I go to the back yard to watch the food cook and drink a beer. I accidentally step in cat shit, and get it stuck on my left foot, and it's hard to get it off Maggie (my friend Rick's girlfriend) is here, and we talk, and share some brief caresses and embrace I turn around and someone hates me the outlet to hold and pet Later, when my parents arrive, we compare outfits with mine & my fiancee's, and find that we're all four wearing green (it's Sunday and some of us are in church outfits) My dad goes to have a long conversation with my ex wife about Christianity (she's still a devout Christian) I go to check an upstairs room and end up falling thru a hole, all the way down to the ground floor, but easily grabbing a handhold on each floor, and then letting go.
This dream seems to reflect a mix of different emotions, dynamics, and experiences from your waking life. Let's break it down:
Living in a story house with several rooms: This symbolizes the different aspects and compartments of your life. You may have different roles or responsibilities and are trying to navigate through them.
Inviting friends over, including your ex-wife, parents, and best friend with his girlfriend: This suggests a desire for social connection and an inclination towards maintaining relationships with important people from your past and present. It may also indicate a need for support and validation.
Friends bringing their cats and another friend bringing a piglet: The inclusion of animals in your dream may represent different traits or qualities that those friends bring into your life. Cats are often associated with independence and sensuality, while a piglet could symbolize innocence and playfulness.
Stepping in cat feces: This could represent an unpleasant experience or feeling "dirty" about something in your life. It may suggest that there are aspects you need to address or clean up in order to move forward.
Brief caresses and embrace with your friend's girlfriend: This can indicate a desire for intimacy or connection. It may suggest an attraction or emotional closeness to someone in your waking life.
Someone hating you when you turn around: This represents a potential conflict or disapproval from someone in your life. It could signify that you fear being criticized or judged by others.
Comparing outfits with your parents and finding you are all wearing green: Wearing green may symbolize growth, balance, or healing. It suggests that in some aspects of your life, there is harmony and unity with your family.
Your dad having a conversation with your ex-wife about Christianity: This indicates a discussion or exploration of belief systems and spirituality. It may symbolize the desire for understanding or resolution regarding your ex-wife's perspectives.
Falling through a hole but grabbing handholds on each floor: This could represent a sense of instability or uncertainty in your life. Despite this, you manage to find some support or stability as you navigate through challenges or unexpected situations.
Overall, this dream reflects a mix of social interactions, personal growth, potential conflicts, and the desire for connection and stability. The specific details and feelings experienced during the dream may provide additional insights into your current emotions and concerns.