I was returning from buying a turtle that I was going to sell to a group of people who were going to cook it, I met my friend on the way who overthinks everything, his mother and his sister, suddenly a stream of soapy water fell on them. what my friend's sister and his mother each went into a sewer, supposedly to bathe. I started talking to my friend about his work problems and that, then he hit the gate of my residence, in a part that was damaged and they had placed wires, the wire fence fell and he left his house. gossip and rude neighbor on the residential street and scolded us for what happened and forced us to tie the wires again, at that moment the soapy water stopped falling and it started to rain again then my friend's friend and her mother came out and told her to my friend that they were going to leave, he told them to stay a while and that it won't take long. In front of my house was a friend who I consider like a brother, his friend (who we all think could be a good couple), the friend's sister and her husband, started asking everyone "What are you going to do in the future?" The girl I like was watching me attentively, she was wearing her high school uniform with her dad next to her. We went up my residential street and at the end there was a baby daycare center and there was a girl who I came to like 4 years ago taking care of them. Those who were husbands began to pressure me to speak up and give the girl from 4 years ago a chance. Suddenly one of the babies who were being cared for began to convulse, we ran with the baby in our arms to the hospital but there was nothing they could do and she died. The girl I like met me at the entrance of my residence asking about the baby and I told her that she died and at that point she tried to console me and in a way she succeeded. At the residence it was early in the morning, it was completely cloudy, and all the neighbors were out of their houses except the family of the girl I like. And in the end the atmosphere was like that of a day at noon without much cloud cover.
Este sueño parece ser un reflejo de varios aspectos y emociones en tu vida despierta. Es importante tener en cuenta que la interpretación de los sueños es subjetiva y el significado puede diferir para cada individuo. Sin embargo, aquí hay algunas posibles interpretaciones para diferentes elementos de tu sueño:
Comprar una tortuga para vender: Esto podría representar un deseo de éxito financiero o una sensación de nutrir y cuidar algo.
Encontrarse con tu amigo, su madre y su hermana: La tendencia de tu amigo a sobreanalizar podría simbolizar tus propios pensamientos y preocupaciones. Su madre y hermana buscando refugio en la alcantarilla representan un deseo de escapar o la necesidad de enfrentar problemas emocionales.
Discutir problemas laborales con tu amigo: Esto puede reflejar la necesidad de alguien con quien compartir tus preocupaciones y buscar consejo o apoyo.
La puerta rota y la cerca de alambre cayendo: Estos elementos podrían representar sentimientos de vulnerabilidad o inestabilidad en tu vida personal o relaciones.
El vecino entrometido y grosero: Este personaje representa presiones externas o juicios que puedes sentir de los demás.
La lluvia y el agua jabonosa: El agua en los sueños a menudo simboliza emociones o limpieza. La lluvia puede representar una liberación de tensión emocional, mientras que el agua jabonosa podría indicar la necesidad de purificación o liberación de cargas emocionales.
Amigos preguntando sobre planes futuros: Esto sugiere una sensación de introspección y contemplación con respecto a tus metas y aspiraciones.
La chica de la que estás interesado: Ella puede representar tu deseo de una conexión romántica o una pareja potencial. Su presencia y la atención que te da en el sueño pueden reflejar tu deseo de su compañía.
El bebé y su muerte: Esto puede simbolizar la pérdida o el fin de algo valioso para ti. También podría representar emociones no resueltas o la necesidad de dejar ir experiencias pasadas o relaciones.
En general, este sueño parece reflejar una mezcla de preocupaciones personales, tensiones emocionales y deseos de conexión y estabilidad. Explorar estos diversos elementos puede ayudarte a obtener una mayor comprensión de tus pensamientos, temores y deseos actuales.