A story of a mysterious family and a mysterious father. A family lived in an isolated island surrounded with dense forest and hills. One pf his son comes to investigate his parents and the castle they lived in. So there was a chase whenever the son and father encounters each other. Then the son has to escape the castle and come back sneaking in looking for evidence. The father has supernatural powers eg werewolf and son also had extraordinary skills of running and gliding. So the chase was extraordinary
This dream suggests a deeper exploration of familial dynamics and hidden aspects within oneself. The mysterious family and father symbolize unresolved family secrets or mysteries that have been veiled or concealed from you. The isolated island surrounded by dense forest and hills signifies a sense of seclusion and difficulty in uncovering these secrets.
The son's investigation represents your own quest for discovering the truth and understanding your family heritage or background. The chase between the son and father reflects a conflict or tension between wanting to uncover the truth and a simultaneous fear or resistance to fully facing or accepting it.
The supernatural powers displayed by the father, such as being a werewolf, and the extraordinary skills of the son represent hidden strengths or abilities within yourself. These powers and skills may symbolize your own intuition, instincts, or inner resources that can aid you in your journey of self-discovery and exploration.
Overall, this dream suggests a desire to dig deeper into your family history and confront the mysteries that may have shaped your identity and relationships. It encourages you to trust your intuition and tap into your hidden strengths to navigate this process with determination and resilience.