I am in a dream in the city centre of a landlocked country, and then suddenly there is a wave of water coming from the northern side of the city. The wave is a little bit smaller in size but still big enough to carry huge objects and people away, kind of like a tsunami. A bit of time passes and then as I'm looking towards the northern side again, I see a huge wave now that is almost 200 metres high raising towards the city centre. I am one of the first few people to witness this. Some people are still oblivious to the second wave coming. I warn them and rush towards the highest building I can find I am rushing as fast as I can to the point where I am even now gasping for air because of being a little bit tired. Luckily, or so I thought, I reached the highest building I can see, before the second wave hits, and start making my way to the top of it. There is commotion in the building as everybody's rushing to make it to the top of the building, and even though I'm one of the first to arrive at the building I am still mixed up with a lot of other people scrambling trying to get to the top of the building. I make it to the top of the building, but I struggle to open the rooftop to get on top of the building and at this time water from the 2nd wave start hitting the building and I realize that the building is not tall enough to avoid being completely submerged by this second wave. Thoughts start racing through my mind as I think of where, in that moment, my loved ones are. I begin to swim and wrestle with the water, and by the way I do not know how to swim, and slowly come to the realization that this might be the end and then suddenly, I wake up.
This dream may indicate feelings of overwhelm and helplessness in your waking life. The city centre and the landlocked country represent a familiar and stable environment for you. The first wave of water symbolizes a challenging or unexpected event, which may be causing some disruption or chaos in your life. Your initial reaction to warn others and find safety represents your proactive nature and concern for others.
The second wave, which is much larger and poses a greater threat, suggests that the difficulty or problem you are experiencing is intensifying. Your urgency and exhaustion in reaching the highest building represents your desire to find security and protection from the impending crisis.
However, your struggle to open the rooftop and the realization that the building is not tall enough implies that your current coping strategies or support systems may not be sufficient to handle the increasing intensity of the situation. This could reflect a sense of frustration or feeling unprepared to face the challenges in your life.
The thoughts about your loved ones and your inability to swim represent concerns about the well-being of those you care about and a lack of control over the situation. The dream ends with the realization that the end may be near, suggesting a fear of failure or a sense of impending doom.
Overall, this dream suggests that you may be encountering a significant problem or difficult period in your life that is causing feelings of stress, vulnerability, and a fear of losing control. It may be helpful to reflect on the resources and support systems available to you in order to navigate through this challenging time.