I was in outer space, I think as an astronaut and I noticed that there was a door on the floor with a huge tunnel/ladder I was house sitting for my friend Emmie, who was moving out of her apartment and needed someone to watch her hours. She lived in Paris, which is a place I used to live in real life. Every day I was there I would wake up and something would be wrong. The first day I woke up and my dog Purdy (childhood dog who died in 2011) went missing, but I saw her outside. woke up and there was a homeless girl inside the apartment. I knew this because I noticed some piece of furniture was missing, but wasn’t able to find her until I went in another bedroom and caught the girl trying to steal a couch. I didn’t know why things kept going missing and how people kept getting inside as I was locking the doors. Eventually my personal belongings started to go missing. I didn’t want to upset or worry emmie so I chose not to say anything just yet. Finally, I woke up the next morning and almost the entire bedroom was missing. This time it wasn’t just the bedroom but it was my actual passport and all of the cash I had, along with my MacBook which I needed for work. I immediately felt worried and trapped. The next morning I woke up and I realized that it was actually one of Emmie’s friends who was packing up all her stuff and moving her out. I think she didn’t realize but she double booked these plans (me staying there and watching her place while simultaneously having someone scheduled to move out all of her stuff, which strangely, i obviously needed to be able to watch the apartment. At this point I couldn’t get ahold of emmie. I could only email her and I had to use her laptop. I don’t know why but I decided I was going to look through all her stuff on the computer, which is not something I would ever do but in this case I did, and I ended up finding her texts with some guy and looked at the pictures he sent her. I finally faced her and told her that her furniture was being moved and so by proxy my personal belongings went missing. I explained to her my money, my passport, my dog, my laptop, and a medication I needed to live was missing and either stolen from a homeless lady who broke in or moved by a friend out in emmies stuff. I opened her notes app on her computer and I found that she already sent me $98,000 minus taxes so about $50,000 after tax. I actually was able to read these actual letters/number forms on the computer which is so weird. After this I felt relieved and excited to get this money but also annoyed because furniture was still being moved out of The apartment and I couldn’t track down the person moving it. Now I was stuck watching this apartment with no money, no passport, no computer, and a Lot of anticipation about this cash. The next afternoon I went outside and I saw my dog laying in the far corner of the house. For some reason at this point I remembered my dog was actually dead but she was not dead in this moment, but I did not react. I looked and scanned the front yard and saw in the same area, a huge brown bear. I went back inside and the back door I went through to get back in didn’t lock. It didn’t even shut. I put something in front of the door so the bear wouldn’t get inside. I finally got back inside and looked out the window to see if purdy my dog was okay and I now saw a small baby bear (a new bear) smelling purdy, and then two Wolves sniffing around the yard. I saw the homeless lady again inside and I was chasing her off the yard I punched her in the face but I was so scared I was gonna get in trouble. She stole this blanket and I was trying to tell her I needed that to sleep. Then I told her my computer was missing and that I needed it to work and that it was a part of my identity. She was a bit crazy but I managed to get it back. The rest of the dream was me trying to check every corner of the house to make sure she wasn’t there. Eventually I noticed the beer got inside. At first I could close certain room doors to keep me away from it. Eventually the bear and I came face to face and along with the wolves, kept trying to smell me. I was afraid but I got a feeling these animals were not trying to hurt me but were trying to find me so this made me scared, because I was not absolutely certain they wouldn’t eat me. For some reason the fact that they were stray bears and wolves living in a city made me feel like they were maybe not dangerous to humans. At some random point I saw my friend Zobeida, who I haven’t talked to in a long time. She saw me and we scheduled a time to hang out.
This dream appears to be a reflection of your feelings of vulnerability and insecurity in certain aspects of your life. The outer space setting symbolizes a feeling of being detached or disconnected from your surroundings. The door on the floor with the tunnel/ladder represents an opportunity or pathway to explore new possibilities or experiences.
The setting of house sitting for your friend Emmie in her Paris apartment represents a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. However, the constant issues and things going wrong in the apartment symbolize a lack of control and stability in your current situation. The missing dog, Purdy, could represent a sense of loss or longing for a past connection or comfort. It may also reflect feelings of being unable to protect or take care of something important to you.
The presence of a homeless girl in the apartment and the missing furniture suggest feelings of invasion, vulnerability, and loss of personal boundaries or privacy. This may represent concerns about your personal space being violated or your possessions/foundation being threatened in some way.
The missing personal belongings like your passport, cash, and laptop symbolize a fear of losing your sense of identity, security, and ability to function in the world. The fact that you found a large sum of money saved for you in Emmie's notes app suggests that there may be unexpected resources or solutions available to you, even in difficult situations.
The bear, wolves, and the homeless lady represent primal instincts, fears, and challenges that you are encountering. They may symbolize the need to confront and overcome inner struggles or external threats. The bear getting inside the house and the wolves searching for you may indicate a sense of fear and vulnerability in facing these challenges.
Encountering your friend Zobeida in the dream and scheduling a hangout time could represent the possibility of reconnecting with people from your past or finding support and companionship during uncertain times.
Overall, this dream suggests a need to confront and address your fears, vulnerabilities, and insecurities in order to regain a sense of control and stability in your life. It may also indicate that there are unexpected resources or support available to you, even in challenging circumstances.