நீண்ட நாட்களுக்கு பிறகு நா காதலிச்ச பையன் யென்முன்னாடி நிக்குறான் நரையா கோவோம் அத விட அவன ஒருமுறையாது பாத்துறனும் னு இருந்த மனசு காணுநீரோடா அவன பாத்த நொடி தேனோம் சேதுதுஇருத்தேன் எதும் வெளிகடமா நான் அவனை காதலிப்பதால் தான் நகர்ந்தேன் ஏனென்றால் நான் அவரை நேசிக்கிறேன் அவளுடைய உணர்வுகளை நான் மதிக்கிறேன்
This dream is likely a reflection of your feelings and thoughts about love and relationships. The dream suggests that you have been longing for a romantic partner for a while, and you may have recently met someone who has caught your attention. The dream portrays your desire to spend more time with this person and get to know them better. The mention of a honey-like feeling when you see them indicates the strong attraction and positive emotions you experience in their presence. The dream also suggests that you are willing to make efforts to pursue this romantic relationship, and you are hopeful that it will blossom into a deep connection. It indicates that you are invested in understanding their feelings and desires as well. Overall, this dream represents your longing for love and your willingness to pursue it with someone who seems to have captured your interest.