Something about the ballet orchestra. Marj and I were walking like on a hike or something and the entire ballet orchestra and dancers and chorus were behind us. I didn’t want to engage or talk with them so we waited for them to go by. Then they set up some kind of performance out in a field. One scene involved a helicopter that entered the stage and crashed and then fell into a lake. It was a model but very well done. I thought it was very cool. Then the hike continued. At some point I lost Marj and I became very distraught. Couldn’t find her. Kept telling myself she was so rendered in this group. Eventually she shows up but something is different. She had out in the woods with a different group of people and was hugging them and singing with them etc. I woke up.
This dream could symbolize various aspects of your relationships and personal dynamics. The ballet orchestra and dancers can represent harmony, coordination, and balance in your life. Walking with Marj implies a sense of companionship and shared experiences. However, your disinterest in engaging with the orchestra may indicate a desire for personal space or independence.
The performance in the field suggests a display of creativity and the crashing helicopter symbolizes a dramatic or unexpected event in your life. The fact that you found it cool indicates an admiration for innovation and uniqueness.
Losing Marj and feeling distraught could signify a fear of losing connection or feeling abandoned in a relationship. This feeling intensifies because Marj appears to have found solace and connection with a different group of people. This may represent feelings of jealousy or feelings of being left out.
Overall, this dream could suggest that you value both independence and connection in your relationships. It may also reflect some underlying insecurities or fears of losing loved ones. Consider reflecting on your current relationships and how they align with your desires for personal space and meaningful connections.