I'm somewhat lucid, I'm A SUPERHERO and realize i can fly. So Im' flying around this city, but I can't control my fkight so i'm all over the place. I come to this area with what looks like large strands of hair eerywhere, but the hair has weight, and just one or two pirces feels like 50 lbs, eventually I wake up out of fear.
In this dream, your ability to become lucid and being a superhero symbolize a sense of personal empowerment and confidence. The ability to fly represents freedom and independence. However, the difficulty in controlling your flight suggests a lack of control or direction in some aspect of your life.
The strands of hair in the dream may represent tangled or burdensome emotions or situations. The weight of the hair symbolizes the emotional weight or burdens that you are carrying. The fear that arises as you navigate through this area suggests that these burdens may be overwhelming or causing anxiety in your waking life.
Overall, this dream could signify that while you have a sense of personal power and freedom, there may be challenges or obstacles that are weighing you down and preventing you from fully embracing your potential. It may be beneficial to explore these burdensome emotions or situations in your waking life and find ways to regain control and lighten the load.