Was forced by my mom to be back in my past childhood dirty unmanaged house yet seeing my dad homeless as expected. And a old lady neighbor I knew was also homeless which surprised me. The neighborhood looked just as bad in real life only more liminal and unmanaged as there was many more vacant homes than the last time I seen the area. The old home was also supposed to be vacant but I still see my dad there seemingly trapped there as the neighbor I once knew. It appears that it is a combination of his unwillingness to come with us and something else unseen trapping him there. Me, my mother and my sister are attempting to motivate him to leave yet he continued to stay there despite being evicted with the entire house being sold. He was not responsive to us yet did pointless tasks . Neighborhood kids then started to vandalize the premise yet still I observed they held some pity for my dad and neighbor. In the dream, my dad is still drinking alcohol and using drugs. The dream ended with us staying there trying to innovate a way to motivate my dad to come with his family.
This dream may suggest feelings of being stuck or trapped in a situation from your past. The dirty and unmanaged house represents a state of neglect or chaos in your childhood. Seeing your dad homeless may signify a fear of instability or a lack of emotional support. The surprise at seeing the old lady neighbor also homeless could symbolize a feeling of loss or disappointment in someone you once knew well.
The dilapidated neighborhood with vacant homes represents a sense of abandonment or desolation. Your dad being trapped there symbolizes his reluctance to move on or let go of negative behaviors or patterns. Your attempts to motivate him indicate a desire for him to change and be part of a healthier, supportive family dynamic.
The dream highlights the futility of your efforts as your dad remains unresponsive and continues engaging in self-destructive behavior. The neighborhood kids' vandalism suggests a desire for destruction or release of frustration. However, their pity for your dad and the neighbor may hint at a sense of empathy or understanding despite their actions.
Overall, this dream may reflect unresolved feelings from your past and a longing for a more harmonious family environment. It could also indicate a need for closure or a desire for positive change within your family relationships.