I had a dream me and my family went up to Beloit to see grandma Michelle and Emily and grandpa. We went there to spend the night and then there were people trying to kill us my parents went home with manny and willow in the middle of the night. And when I woke up taylin was there. We got knifes and killed all the criminals. They were chasiinf us around thw house stabbing us, slicing at us. But me and tayling killed the criminals easily through the hallway we were running in in the little house. We lock ourselves in my aunts room but they eventually get in the start slicing my thigh but i chopped off one of the criminals hand and he died I go after the another. He tried cutting my hand but his dull knife wouldnt work i killed him too. Taylin had three guys after her she killed two and i killed one. We leave the house to safety all sliced up. we went to a store to stay out of sight. Then they started to find us and chase us again. I saw JJ an old classmate that was in my history class freshman year. He had a Kia a really nice car with his family parked next to him with and equally as nice car. And asked if he could give me and taylin a ride home. He said yes and I hugs him.and said thank you. His family then said that he had a crush on me and he blushed really hard. I go around to the other side of the car and hoped onto the driver's seat instead of in the back with Taylin. She ddidnt mind. I ask how JJ was and that I haven't seen him since last year in history and that his car is really nice. He started to drive onto the highway up until I remembered he didn't know where I lived so I grab my phone and try to type in the address to get me and taylin home. I couldn't type it. So then I did speech to text and it gave us the wrong address. We managed to get back home and I Introduced JJ to my family and said he was just a friend. He offered to get me some food. We went outside and we walk down to his car and I grab him and kiss him and tell him I'm grateful. Then my granny's boyfriend saw us through a window and tried to tell my parents what he saw. Now my dad was alive in my dream. My dad yelled at him and said "SO?" in a yelling but dissing way followed with my mother saying "SHES 16 NOW LET HER BE!" which warmed my heart making me kiss him and hug him again. We get I to his car and drive. Then I remembered the criminals that me and taylin killed. There was one Person and disguise as a homeless person he immediately sees my face I get scared and try to roll up my window but I couldn't find it until we start driving again at the green light. The man was trying to run after us. But we got away we stop at a store again and this time I needed to use the bathroom we go to find it and there was just a toilet next to a shelve against the wall the open. I really needed to go. JJ stood in the way so people couldn't see me. All of a sudden little kids start crashing in and try to see what I'm doing. I finish up to play with the little kids cuz they were super cuuute. JJ plays with them too. For while We leave and i kiss him again thinking I could spend the rest of my life with such a sweet handsome man. And be genuinely happy. Then. I wake up.
This dream suggests that there may be a sense of danger or threat in your current waking life, represented by the criminals chasing and attacking you and your family. The fact that you and Taylin are able to easily overcome and kill the criminals indicates your resourcefulness and ability to handle difficult situations.
The presence of JJ in your dream, who is portrayed as a classmate and someone you have not seen in a while, may symbolize a connection to your past or a desire for companionship and support during challenging times. The fact that his family recognizes his crush on you suggests that you may be seeking validation or admiration from others.
The struggle to find the right address to get home represents a potential feeling of being lost or uncertain in your current circumstances. It may indicate a need for direction or guidance in your waking life.
The encounter with the disguised homeless person could represent a lurking sense of danger or an underlying fear that is still present despite your escape from the immediate threat. It is important to be vigilant and aware of potential risks in your waking life.
The interaction with little kids signifies a playful, innocent, and carefree aspect within you. It may suggest a desire to find joy and happiness amidst the challenges and difficulties you are facing.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting your subconscious mind's attempt to process and navigate through feelings of danger, the need for support, a sense of being lost, and a longing for happiness and security. It may be helpful to reflect on these elements and consider how they relate to your current life circumstances and emotions.