I was with my friends in some place. The bus came, all my friends went ahead. there was a one storeroom, where I saw some budgies babies were lying upside down on the cellar. I took them by my hand and while taking them, 2-3 newly born budgies babies fall down on ground. I took them and I saw that one more halfgrown budgie was lying down on ground at far place. I also took him and placed on a drawer desk and decided to make them a home so that their mother can find them in that place. I started making them a home from wood and in middle, I woke up from sleep.
The dream appears to symbolize your nurturing and caring nature. Being with your friends suggests a sense of comfort and familiarity in your waking life. The bus represents progress or moving forward, while your friends going ahead signifies them progressing in some aspect of their lives.
The storeroom represents a hidden or forgotten part of yourself, and the upside-down budgie babies may indicate a sense of vulnerability or being out of balance. Your act of taking them by hand shows your willingness to help and protect them.
The newly born budgies falling on the ground could signify unexpected challenges or setbacks that require your attention and care. Your willingness to take them suggests your ability to adapt and take responsibility.
The halfgrown budgie lying on the ground represents an aspect of yourself that is still developing or needs nurturing. Placing them on a drawer desk suggests a desire to provide stability and organization.
The act of making a home for the budgies indicates your desire to create a safe and nurturing environment for yourself and others. The use of wood symbolizes growth and stability, while waking up in the middle of making the home suggests that there is still work to be done in establishing this sense of stability and nurturing in your waking life.