I was at my university with my cousin. Normally her and I are very close but we aren't speaking at the moment. In my dream, we are getting lunch, I keep asking her what she wants but she won't pick anything to eat. When we finally sit down, I have a hard time eating because I keep spilling all over the front of my shirt and in my lap. I become overwhelmingly embarrassed and try to hide the mess on my shirt as best I can but nothing seems to work. I feel like everyone around me is judging me.
This dream could be reflecting the current tension you feel with your cousin due to not speaking. The setting of your university may represent a place of learning and growth, suggesting that there may be unresolved issues or communication problems that need to be addressed for personal development.
The struggle to eat without making a mess in the dream could symbolize your frustrations or difficulties in dealing with the situation with your cousin. The embarrassment you feel in the dream may indicate feelings of vulnerability or self-consciousness about the ongoing conflict.
The feeling of being judged by those around you in the dream may suggest a fear of criticism or concern about how others perceive your current relationship with your cousin. It could also point to a fear of confrontation or a desire to avoid conflict.
Overall, this dream may be urging you to confront the issues with your cousin directly and work towards resolving any misunderstandings or disagreements in order to move forward positively. It may also serve as a reminder to be aware of how your actions and emotions in your waking life are impacting your relationships with others.