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Dreadful Encounter: Vampire Children and a Mysterious Escape

I dreamed that I was in a room that appeared to once be a barn but also looked like a classroom. This room only had one exit, a door and was full of people I went to high school with, excluding an old friend/coworker I knew years ago that I got close with who ended up in the hospital on her deathbed, recovered, and I've never heard from her again. She was situated close to the middle-front of the room in a desk and was still and quiet which is unlike her personality. This is important because most of the room was in a stir and was fearful as they said that vampires were coming to slaughter us. Among my former classmates, some were not scared at all, one of them was an old friend of mine who has actually done well for herself in the waking world. She was not scared at all and had actually acted as if she was going to fight them and asked me, "Who are you going to push in their way?" as if I would plan to push someone in the room down, to slow down the advances of these vampires I've yet to see. I did however answer her, and had looked at my old friend/coworker that we will call 'R' and I don't remember if I said I would outright push her in their way, or if I just looked at her and pointed. After this conversation, the room got quiet. There was a balcony inside of this room and I had looked up and finally saw the vampires they were all so afraid of. They were children, but they were terrifying. Their faces were covered in blood and they had 2 adult vampires with them. My friend who was not afraid and asked who I would push in their way(We will call her 'A') , went over to the balcony to look up at them and I followed.  As I'm looking up at these child vampires, one looked down at me and the blood on his or her face had dripped off and onto my face and into my right eye. In less than 10 seconds after this happened, A ran to the only exit and I followed. The door was unlocked and we were outside and it was daytime. We were running like crazy but it was hard for me to see as there was blood in my eye. I also started to have trouble running, as if my feet were not planted on the ground completely. Soon, a van starts coming after us that had the adult vampires inside chasing after us. Unfortunately they got A, but seemed to not even see me or notice me. I believe they even came out into the daylight which was odd, but I was starting to feel 'odd' and attempted to jump someone's fence as we were in a residential neighborhood. I floated over this fence and landed on tile or linoleum, next to an in ground pool in someone's backyard. I think I woke up shortly after this happened.

I dreamed that I was in a room that appeared to once be a barn but also looked like a classroom. This room only had one exit, a door and was full of people I went to high school with, excluding an old friend/coworker I knew years ago that I got close with who ended up in the hospital on her deathbed, recovered, and I've never heard from her again. She was situated close to the middle-front of the room in a desk and was still and quiet which is unlike her personality. This is important because most of the room was in a stir and was fearful as they said that vampires were coming to slaughter us. Among my former classmates, some were not scared at all, one of them was an old friend of mine who has actually done well for herself in the waking world. She was not scared at all and had actually acted as if she was going to fight them and asked me, "Who are you going to push in their way?" as if I would plan to push someone in the room down, to slow down the advances of these vampires I've yet to see. I did however answer her, and had looked at my old friend/coworker that we will call 'R' and I don't remember if I said I would outright push her in their way, or if I just looked at her and pointed. After this conversation, the room got quiet. There was a balcony inside of this room and I had looked up and finally saw the vampires they were all so afraid of. They were children, but they were terrifying. Their faces were covered in blood and they had 2 adult vampires with them. My friend who was not afraid and asked who I would push in their way(We will call her 'A') , went over to the balcony to look up at them and I followed. As I'm looking up at these child vampires, one looked down at me and the blood on his or her face had dripped off and onto my face and into my right eye. In less than 10 seconds after this happened, A ran to the only exit and I followed. The door was unlocked and we were outside and it was daytime. We were running like crazy but it was hard for me to see as there was blood in my eye. I also started to have trouble running, as if my feet were not planted on the ground completely. Soon, a van starts coming after us that had the adult vampires inside chasing after us. Unfortunately they got A, but seemed to not even see me or notice me. I believe they even came out into the daylight which was odd, but I was starting to feel 'odd' and attempted to jump someone's fence as we were in a residential neighborhood. I floated over this fence and landed on tile or linoleum, next to an in ground pool in someone's backyard. I think I woke up shortly after this happened.

This dream appears to express anxiety and fear of the unknown. The barn and classroom setting, along with the presence of former high school classmates, could represent a sense of being in a place of familiarity and safety. However, the fear of vampires attacking indicates a fear of danger and harm. The presence of the old friend/coworker who is still and quiet could symbolize a fear of losing touch with important people in your life, while the friend who asks who you would push in the way of the vampires could represent a fear of having to make tough decisions in difficult situations. The child vampires covered in blood may symbolize the innocence lost to a violent or chaotic situation. The fact that you were unable to see clearly and had difficulty running suggests a sense of being overwhelmed and disoriented. The final scene of jumping over a fence and landing next to a pool may represent a desire for safety and security. Overall, this dream reveals a deep fear of harm and vulnerability in a world that seems unpredictable and unsafe.