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Elusive Contract: A Dream of Dodging Demands in the Real Estate Market

My uncle keeps hounding me for my wholesale contract in real estate because ingor a couple housesnwholesaled butad form some reason and want to see the contract I used I ignore him and he goes away

My uncle keeps hounding me for my wholesale contract in real estate because ingor a couple housesnwholesaled butad form some reason and want to see the contract I used I ignore him and he goes away

Dreams are highly personal and can vary in interpretation based on individual experiences and emotions. However, here is a possible interpretation for your dream: Your uncle symbolizes a figure of authority or influence in your life. The concept of a wholesale contract in real estate suggests opportunities for financial gain and success. In the dream, your uncle hounding you for the contract could represent external pressure or expectations from someone in your waking life, urging you to prove yourself or share your achievements. Ignoring your uncle's request may imply that you are choosing to protect your accomplishments and keep certain aspects of your life private. This could be a reflection of a desire to maintain your independence and not wanting to be judged or questioned by others, even those close to you. The dream ending with your uncle eventually going away could indicate that you are successfully navigating or managing external pressures and finding a way to maintain your boundaries or protect your personal achievements. Overall, this dream highlights the conflict between external expectations and your own desire for privacy or autonomy. It suggests that you are striving to protect your success and maintain independence in some aspect of your life, possibly related to your career or personal achievements.