Super competitive huge race with insane obstacles and challenges Mega flower thing (carnelias) with slides and crap Eventually running around in s sprawling mrt station/school that goes deeper and deeper, escalators to complete an exam for the challenge Running between students who are also running, obstacles are often food related because we've been away from our families for a long time, I'm doing stuff like cutting between people, taking secret paths to get ahead Some obstacles are kinda pop quizzes --> neck and neck with someone --> final thing are like diaporamas where you have to shoot the correct area of the person (Japan thing) and I'm at the places with another competitor; final obstacle they are the diaporama, they're an ancient Japanese prostitute (for some reason we're both bloody) and I shoot the thyroid for disease as the answer, they think it's wrong and the correct answer was the lips for black teeth Competition over we have pop-up screens (like in orv) that shows all of our answers, there were some where I messed up the flowers because The image I had downloaded wasn't the correct flower, another one where I kept misspelling the word (something like dorios) Don't know who won between me and my rival
This dream appears to symbolize your desire for accomplishment and success in a highly competitive environment. The super competitive race with insane obstacles represents the challenges and hurdles you face in your waking life. The mega flower with slides and other obstacles may signify the allure and excitement of achieving your goals.
The sprawling MRT station/school that goes deeper and deeper represents the depth of your knowledge and skills that you are constantly striving to enhance. The escalators symbolize the progression and advancement you need to make to overcome various challenges.
The presence of other students running and food-related obstacles may indicate a sense of competition and the need to assert yourself among your peers or colleagues. Cutting between people and taking secret paths suggest your determination to get ahead and succeed.
The pop quizzes as obstacles may represent unexpected challenges or tests you encounter in your endeavors. Being neck and neck with someone suggests a close competition or rivalry in your waking life.
In the final obstacle, the diaporamas represent cultural knowledge or understanding. The ancient Japanese prostitute symbolizes a historical or cultural reference that you and your competitor must identify correctly. The blood on both of you could indicate the intensity or sacrifices made during the competition. Shooting the thyroid for disease as an answer while your competitor believes the correct answer is the lips for black teeth suggests a difference in perspectives or approaches to problem-solving.
The pop-up screens showing all the answers at the end could represent a moment of reflection and evaluation of your performance. Messing up the flowers and misspelling words may indicate minor errors or mistakes that could affect your final outcome.
The dream leaves the outcome of the competition uncertain, reflecting your desire for success but also acknowledging the possibility of not knowing the ultimate result. Overall, this dream suggests your ambition, competitive nature, and the challenges you face in reaching your goals.